Below is a representation of the countries reported. Note if you are listed in multiple countries, that may appear in the final report but not in this map.

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Region: Indonesia

Title: Health Service of Ear Screening & Cleaning


1. Project tittle: Health Service of Ear Screening & Cleaning

2. Time of activity: Wednesday, March 1st 2023, 08.00 to 11.30 WIB

3. Place of Activity: Sports Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Central Java
Jl. Minister Supeno, Manahan, Surakarta, Central Java

4. Collaboration with: ENT-NHS Department – Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University, PERHATI-KL SOLO, Sports Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, UNS 47th Anniversary Committee

5. Activity Results:
Social Service and Ear Cleaning with Total patients are 64 persons

6. Engaged Members:
dr. Putu Wijaya K, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L, Subsp. BE.(K)
Dr. dr. Novi Primadewi, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L, Subsp. NO.(K), M.Kes
dr. Ahmad Nurdiansyah, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L
dr. M. Dody Hermawan, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L
dr. Marisa Rizqiana Dewi, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No