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Organization: EHC/PGPKT Aceh Besar Committee, dr. Devi Daryaningsih, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L.
Region: Indonesia
Title: Ear & Hearing Health Services in Pidie Jaya, Aceh, March 18, 2023 at SMP 1 Meureudu
Description: EHC/PGPKT Aceh Besar Committee, dr. Devi Daryaningsih, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L.
– Ear & Hearing Health Services in Pidie Jaya, Aceh, March 18, 2023 at SMP 1 Meureudu
– ENT Examination. Ear Cleaning (BBT), Hearing Screening.
– Lecture “Deaf Due to Noise” and Youth Awareness Campaign for Noise attended by 145 students, presented by dr. Lily Setiani SpTHT.BKL, and dr. Devi Daryaningsih SpTHT.BKL.
– Signing Noise Aware Pact
– Quiz & Prizes
– Ear Examination 26 students grade 2, wax prop in 2 students. Result Hearing Screening: 16 normal, 8 mild degree deafness in both ears, 2 mild degree of deafness in one ear.
– Plaques, Banners, Educational Posters on Ear & Hearing Health given to School.
– Collaboration: EHC/PGPKT Aceh Province Com., Perhati BKL Aceh Prov, Aceh Provincial Health Office, ENT-BKL Health Sciences Study Program FK USK/RSUDZA, Pidie Jaya Regional Government, Pidie Jaya District Health Office, PT.Nobel
Live Event: Yes
Hearing Screening: Yes
Social Media: Yes
Authorities or policymakers: Yes
Influencers or celebrities: Yes
ENT Examination. Ear Cleaning (BBT), Hearing Screening.
Lecture “Deaf Due to Noise” and Youth Awareness Campaign fo
Hearing Screening stydents in Meureudu