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You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.

Organization: Dr. Ambu Eva Nurfahirah ENT. HNS. EHC/PGPKT Pontianak City Committee.

Region: Indonesia

Title: Ig Live Health Talkshow: Presbycusis, Hearing Loss Due to Aging by Dr. Joyo Wardoyo, SpTHT-BKL. March 11, 2023


Dr. Ambu Eva Nurfahirah Sp.THT. BKL. EHC/PGPKT Pontianak City Committee.
1. Project Title:
Ig Live Health Talkshow on Presbycusis, Hearing Loss Due to Aging by Dr. Joyo Wardoyo, SpTHT-BKL. March 11, 2023
2. Collaboration: Perhati-BKL West Kalimantan Province, Faculty of Med.Untan 3. Person in charge of the activity; dr. Eva Nurfarihah, SpTHT-BKL (EHC/PGPKT Pontianak Comm.)

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

E-Poster for the activity

Sjowing the number of people reached by this instagram