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Organization: Emirates Health Services

Region: United Arab Emirates

Title: 1st EHS Audiovestibular and communication disorders conference 2023


EHS recently organized a conference on Audiovestibular and communications disorders at the Sheraton Hotel in Sharjah. Experts from the UAE, Egypt, and India attended the conference to explore therapeutic and evaluative methods related to speech and hearing disorders and facilitate collaboration among specialists in the field. The conference included various discussion sessions on topics such as sensory and verbal behavior integration, minimal verbal strategies for children with autism spectrum disorders, and the impact of noise on hearing. The EHS leadership highlighted the organization’s commitment to providing proactive and sustainable health services and becoming a global destination for technological and scientific innovations in the healthcare sector. The conference was a significant step towards raising awareness of speech and hearing disorders and finding effective ways to address them. Overall, it provided valuable insights and opportunities for experts to share their knowledge and experiences, contributing to the success of the event.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No