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Organization: Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences

Region: India

Title: World Hearing Day Celebrations 2023


On the occasion of World Hearing Day, Institute of Speech and Audiology initiated free Hearing screening program in Audiology Department, Institute of Speech and Audiology on 3rd & 4th March from 10am to 6pm and also organized a free hearing screening camp for 2days at Wargal Village, Siddipet District, Telangana, India. For this camp, professionals from all the departments participated. A total of 15 Professionals & 60 Trainees participated. A total of 684 persons of all the age groups were screened for hearing and its related problems. Total number of persons identified with hearing loss were 54. After school screening, an awareness talk was given to all the teachers and students regarding activities planned during the camp. Pamphlets related to hearing care and identification of different disabilities were distributed to teachers and Head Masters.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: No

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Registration for Free Hearing Screening camp

Otoscopic Examination before Hearing screening

Free School screening hearing camp

Free Hearing screening