Below is a representation of the countries reported. Note if you are listed in multiple countries, that may appear in the final report but not in this map.

You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.

Organization: Audicare

Region: PortugalBrazil

Title: Actions in Brazil and Portugal for World Hearing Day 2023 carried out by Audicare


1) Dr Katya and Kim Jackson gave an interview on Radio Rock 89.90 talking about the importance of hearing prevention at all ages
2) Dra Katya Freire participated in a Live on Instagram with the Audiologist Monica de Sá in the @makelisteningsafebr-pt and @audiologia
3) Filters created to be used. It’s available on Instagram @makelisteningsafe
4) Audicare audiologists attended patients with WHD T-shirts and distributed QR code book markers containing WHD information.

1) Dr Katya Freire gave one lecture at the University of Music of Aveiro and another one to teachers and parents for schools in Belém/Lisbon.
2) Dr Katya Freire carried out a practical activity with the Dangerous Decibels Program for students from 5th to 9th grade at St Julian’s British School, in Cascais-Portugal.
3) An Art in the Sand of Albufeira Beach was made by a Portuguese artist with the slogan of World Hearing Day.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: Yes

Art in the Sand of Beach was made by a Portuguese Artist

Dr Katya and Kim Jackson gave an interview on Radio Rock 89.

Instagran Filters of WHD @makelisteningsafe

Audicare’s team with WHD T-shirt