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Organization: Corporacion Hipoacusia de Chile

Region: Chile

Title: Instance of awareness and promotion of hearing health among health care providers (health workers, doctors).


In Commemoration of International Hearing Day, an intervention was carried out at Cesfam Barón, Cesfam Placeres, to highlight the importance of integrating ear and hearing care into primary care, in addition to the needs and access to Health of Deaf and hearing loss people.

A basic WHO ear care manual, hearing development guidelines from 0 to 5 years of age, and tinnitus and hearing handicap questionnaires were delivered.

In addition to a Suggestion Manual for Inclusive Treatment of People with Hearing Impairments, aimed at Health workers, which is complemented by the use of inclusive language, General Information on the courses offered, both in 3D Printing and Language Signs and care reports for technical aids such as Hearing Aids and how to opt for Law No. 21850 that creates a financial protection system for high-cost diagnoses and treatments such as Cochlear Implants.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

President and Facilitator of Corporacion Hipoacusia de Chile

Intervention at Primary health centers

Facilitator exposing about hearing care