Below is a representation of the countries reported. Note if you are listed in multiple countries, that may appear in the final report but not in this map.
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Organization: Wizear Trust
Region: Zimbabwe
Title: Bridging the Gap Between hearing and Non -Hearing. Making Hearing For All a reality.
Description: 1. One day meeting with medical doctors and Policy makers. A one day workshop was conducted with local 38 doctors and 6 Policy makers. The focus was on the theme and how each and everyone of them can make Ear and Hearing Health care for all a reality. This was done on the 3rd of March.
2. 4th of March, the Shandurai App was unveiled to selected stakeholders. The focus was on bringing awareness to activities that can make the 2023 Theme a reality. 26 people from the Medical faculty, government and deaf-commmunity attended. Participants present applauded the innovation and the idea.
3. A bigger commemoration was conducted in Matebeleland Province at Mpilo Hospital. This was done in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Child care, WHO, National Aids council and members from the deaf community. 560+ people attended the commemoration and 359 people were screened for hearing.
Live Event: Yes
Hearing Screening: Yes
Social Media: Yes
Authorities or policymakers: Yes
Influencers or celebrities: Yes
Silent marching from City Centre to Mpilo Hospital.
Nurses joined the march as well
Audiologist presenting at WHD
Nurses marching with placards