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Organization: The University of Queensland’s Centre for Hearing Research (CHEAR)

Region: Australia

Title: World Hearing Day at UQ: “Hearing Care for All”


The Centre for Hearing Research held the event “Hearing Care for All” at The University of Queensland’s Great Court, bringing together academics from Audiology and Speech Pathology along with undergraduate and graduate students from both disciplines. This event raised awareness of ear, hearing care and well-being across the lifespan to approximately 60 people including university students and staff, and community members who visited the stall and had a conversation. There was audiological equipment on display including ear models, audiometers, demo hearing aids, ear plugs, and a video otoscope. People interested in formal hearing assessment were referred to audiology services in Brisbane including The University of Queensland Audiology Clinic. Publicity for this event reached over 5,500 across traditional and social media coverage.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Academics and students at the World Hearing Day stall at UQ

Audiological equipment on display at the stall

Graduate student conducting video otoscopy to client