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Organization: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani

Region: India

Title: Celebration of World Hearing day in a government school


World Hearing Day was celebrated by AIIMS Kalyani on 3rd March 2023. The plan was to go to a government run school located near to AIIMS Kalyani. The head of the institute was informed about the visit and a brief outline of the activities was given to him beforehand. After obtaining the proper permission a team comprising of an ENT surgeon, general physician, nursing officers trained in ear care went to the school. At first a general health talk on the importance of ear care was given to school students. Some teachers and parents were also present during the health talk. The participants were encouraged to ask questions. After the health talk, an ear clinic was set up on the school premises. Students, teachers, and parents having any ear problem were asked to visit the clinic. These were managed and some cases were referred to AIIMS Kalyani for further management.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

Health talk on ear care

Ear examination of a student

Students attending a temporary ear clinic in the school

Team of doctors and nursing officer conducting an ear camp