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Organization: Emerald Training and People Development

Region: United Kingdom

Title: Hearing Disability Awareness Bitesized Session


This was a 45 minute remote training session open to anyone in the Health and Social Care, services such as Hospitality and Catering to raise awareness of hearing loss and impairments and what they can do to provide a better experience in their workplace.
This included
– introduction to World Hearing Day
– Hearing loss and Deafness explained- audiogram explained
– My Deafness and experiences
– Social Model of Disability
– Challenges of Hearing Impairment and Loss
– How you can help
– Ways to protect your hearing
– How can we help this person scenarios.

There is now a podcast


Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

Hearing Disability Awareness Presentation Cover