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Organization: Doulderis Georgios & SIA E.E.

Region: Greece

Title: “Transforming sound to picture” and “Feel too”


The event took place in the biggest mall in Thessaloniki, Greece and last for 3 days.
The event consisted of 2 parts:

1. ”Transforming sound to picture”
Target: Show that all the senses are linked with each other and if hearing loss is present, person will lose overall sensation levels.
A person chooses a sound that pops in their mind and in real time an artist will create a sketch of this sound in paper (linking the senses of hearing and vision).

2.”Feel too”
Target: Raise awareness of how untreated hearing loss can affect everyday life and psychology of a person.
Earplugs will be handed out to normal hearing people in order to wear them for a full day, “living” like a person with an untreated hearing loss. Afterwards, they will fill out an online questionnaire to share their experience.

Live Event: No

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: No

Authorities or policymakers: No

Influencers or celebrities: No

The main booth

The artist creates a sketch from a song in real time!

Team members

Some sketches