Below is a representation of the organizations reported.

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Organization: Indonesian ORL-HNS Society (PERHATI-KL) in collaboration with ORL-HNS and Pediatric Department

Region: Indonesia

Title: Champion (Capai Harapan dan Mimpi Bersama Down Syndrome/Achieve Hopes and Dreams with Down Syndrome)


This activity is a forum for the West Java Association of Parents of Children with Down Syndrome (POTADS), otorhinolaryngology specialists, and pediatricians to be able to share experiences and knowledge in improving the quality of life of children with Down Syndrome.
The aims of this activity are increasing public awareness about the rights and welfare of people with Down Syndrome, sharing information to improve the growth and development & quality of life of children with Down Syndrome, providing health and education services regarding ear hygiene in children with Down syndrome.

Live Event: Yes

Hearing Screening: Yes

Social Media: Yes

Authorities or policymakers: Yes

Influencers or celebrities: No

All participants were waiting for examination

Participants and comittee were dancing together

The participants were given some presents.

All participants and comittees were taking picture