AEA – European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals

Virtual Lunch Debate from the European Parliament “World Hearing Day 2024 – Changing Mindsets”

Primary site: EUR – _Throughout the Euopean Region
Additional site(s):

Every year, the joined associations, AEA – EFHOH and EHIMA organise a Virtual Lunch Debate from the European Parliament

The year the theme was: “World Hearing Day 2024 – Changing Mindsets – Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”
Host: MEP Jarosław Duda (Poland , EPP) and was organised on Tuesday the 5th of March

The program:
– Welcome – MEP Jarosław Duda
– WHO World Hearing Day theme – Shelly Chadha -WHO
– Why we need to change mindsets – Lidia Best– EFHOH
– Myths and reality on hearing loss and hearing care – Mark Laureyns – AEA
– Changing the Mindsets on Hearing Care- Stefan Launer – EHIMA
– Changing mindsets to ensure inclusive health systems – Emma Smith -WHO Europe
– Debate and conclusion – All

All the video’s of this virtual lunch debate can be found here:

Live event: No
Screening: No
Traditional media: No
Social media: Yes
Met with individual policymakers: Yes
Participation of policymakers: Yes
Participation of influencers: Yes

WHO educational or publicity material used: Yes

The key-note speakers for the AEA_EFHOH_EHIMA lunch debate

The live attendees at the lunch debate

The active discussion during the lunch debate

All our speakers were Hearing Loss Friendly

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