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 Organization: dr. Muhammad Anwar, Sp.T.H.T.B.K.L

 Region: International society member effortIndonesia

Title: Hearing Loss Counseling at Kolonodale Regional Hospital, North Morowali Regency


Counseling for hearing loss was conducted at Kolonodale Hospital, located in North Morowali, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. This counseling, presented by an experienced ENT physician, included various strategies and techniques to cope with and manage hearing loss effectively, helping to improve the quality of life for those affected.

 Live Event: Yes

 Hearing Screening: No

 Social Media: Yes

 Authorities or policymakers: Yes

 Influencers or celebrities: No


Penyuluhan gangguan pendengaran


Di RSUD Kolonodale, Kabupaten Morowali Utara



 Peserta penyuluhan