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 Organization: 天津市人民医院耳鼻喉科

 Region: China

Title: 天津市人民医院全国爱耳日大型义诊活动 (Tianjin People’s Hospital National Ear Day Large Free Clinic Event)


On March 3, 2023, the otorhinolaryngology department of Tianjin People’s Hospital held a free consultation event in honor of World Hearing Day. Department directors and their medical team provided patients with knowledge about protecting their hearing, answering a series of questions related to hearing loss and ear care. The event emphasized the theme, “love and protect your ears through science for proactive health,” with the medical staff striving to promote public understanding of hearing health and the development of scientifically-proven healthy habits. The overarching goal of the event was to raise public awareness about the importance of ear health and to encourage everyone to take proactive measures to protect their hearing. This initiative aligns with a broader aim of promoting public health and advancing toward healthcare for all.

 Live Event: No

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: Yes

 Authorities or policymakers: Yes

 Influencers or celebrities: Yes





