You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.
Organization: The University of Melbourne
Region: Australia
Title: HEARglobe- the importance of hearing and ear health
Description: The Global Audiology group from the University of Melbourne organized an event to raise awareness about the significance of hearing health. We provided resources, such as QR code pamphlets, that provided information regarding hearing health and access to audiological services in Melbourne, Australia. Video otoscopy allowed students to look inside their ears as we educated them on wax management and the important role it has in the ear canal. We also started conversations with students on safe listening practices and the dangers of noise exposure. Noise protection was handed out to students and and we instructed them on the correct insertion and usage.
Live Event: No
Hearing Screening: Yes
Social Media: No
Authorities or policymakers: No
Influencers or celebrities: No
HEARglobe team behind organising World Hearing Day 2023
Video otoscopy and educating ear health
Noise level information and First Nations Health station