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 Organization: Second hospital of Shanxi Medical University

 Region: China

Title: 2023 World Hearing Day Event: Ear and Hearing Care for All! Newborn to Elderly


During a recent event, the Director of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery at the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University shared insights on hearing protection with the public via Shanxi Satellite TV. This was part of a special for a World Hearing Day series planned by the deputy director in collaboration with Shanxi Health Voice’s Expert Clinic program. The two-week series focused on promoting ear and hearing care knowledge. The hospital also organized free consultations, providing free hearing tests to 50 individuals, as well as activities promoting scientific study. Additionally, otology experts were interviewed by Shanxi Radio and Television, reaching nearly 7,000 viewers.

 Live Event: Yes

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: No


Free clinic and popular science promotion activities


Shanxi SATELLITE TV exclusive interview


Interview with Shanxi Radio and Television Station

 Shanxi Health Voice “Expert Clinic” program