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 Organization: Centro de Investigación de Audición, Sentidos y Comunicación CESCO Carrera Fonoaudiología Universidad del Desarrollo

 Region: Chile

Title: The importance of hearing: Hearing health promotion and prevention: meet OTO


Every year, on March 3rd, World Hearing Day is celebrated. The Speech Pathology department of the Universidad del Desarrollo, via their research center, CESCO, actively participated in this year’s event to advocate for the auditory health of the public. They set up a stand at the university where they engaged the community in hearing-related contests and distributed flyers with advice on maintaining good hearing health. Adding to the effort was their ear-shaped mascot, Otto, who helped emphasize the importance of regular hearing checks and disease prevention to ensure lifelong auditory health.

 Live Event: No

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: No