You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.

 Organization: 武汉豆听科技有限公司

 Region: China

Title: 3月3日爱耳月和86家医院残联机构联合开展线上义诊活动 (On March 3, Love Your Ears Month, 86 Hospitals, and Disabled Persons’ Federation Jointly Launched an Online Free Clinic Event)


March is national Love Your Ears Month, and we, at DouTing Technology, partnered with 86 hospitals across the country and the Disabled Persons’ Federation to conduct free online and in-person hearing tests and community health science activities. This initiative aimed to improve ear health awareness and provide accessible testing options to all.

 Live Event: Yes

 Hearing Screening: No

 Social Media: Yes

 Authorities or policymakers: Yes

 Influencers or celebrities: No






