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Organization: Bhaarath Medical College and Hospitals
Region: India
Title: World Hearing Day: Hearing Care for All
Description: In recognition of World Hearing Day 2023, the Department of ENT at Bhaarath Medical College and Hospitals organized a week-long hearing screening initiative for all Bhaarath University employees and outpatients visiting the hospital. This was conducted using the HearWHO Pro app, with free consultations and audiological investigations offered to those needing further assessment. Third-year medical students played a significant role in the screening process and patient counseling. Additionally, they were motivated to produce a short film to raise public awareness about hearing loss and related stigmas. To further commemorate World Hearing Day, a poster competition was also held for students in line with the theme of “Hearing Care for All.”
Live Event: Yes
Hearing Screening: Yes
Social Media: No
Authorities or policymakers: No
Influencers or celebrities: No
Bhaarath Medical College and Hospital
poster competition
free hearing screening
poster competition