You can click on the project title for details – including the photos.

 Organization: Member of PERHATI-BKL CABANG SULSELBAR, MALUKU, PAPUA ( Dr. dr. Masyita Gaffar, Sp.THTBKL Subsp. Oto (K)

 Region: Indonesia

Title: World Hearing Day 2023: Podcast for Education and Discussion of Ear Problems – Hasanuddin University Hospital


For the observance of World Hearing Day 2023, our team hosted a podcast at the Hasanuddin University Hospital that provided education and promoted discussion around ear and hearing health. The central theme of the podcast was the prevention of hearing damage and the universal importance of maintaining one’s ear health.

 Live Event: No

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: No


ENT’s specialists discussion with the listener


ENT’s specialists talk and educate the listener


Talks about the disease of the ears and the prevention

 Photo of us after the discussion