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 Organization: EHC/PGPKT West Pakpak District, Dr. Flora Armanti ORL-HNS, Ear Screening & Cleaning and Health Education

 Region: Indonesia

Title: Ear Screening & Cleaning and Health Education


An ENT specialist with EHC/PGPKT West Pakpak District, led a social service project named “Ear Cleaning and Health Counseling” targeting high school and junior high school students in celebration of World Hearing Day in March 2023. The initiative, which took place at a high and junior high school in the West Pakpak District of North Sumatra, Indonesia, was a collaborative effort with the SMA Negeri 1 and SMP Negeri 1 Salak schools. The project involved ear screening, cleaning, and health education activities. The event successfully provided ENT examinations for a total of 230 students, with 110 from high school and 120 from junior high. Of these, 45 high school students and 33 junior high students had impacted cerumen extractions.

 Live Event: No

 Hearing Screening: No

 Social Media: Yes

 Authorities or policymakers: Yes

 Influencers or celebrities: No


Ear Cleaning Social Service and Health Counseling