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 Organization: College of speech language and hearing sciences, Ziauddin University


Title: “Successful World Hearing Day Initiative by College of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences”


In honor of World Hearing Day, the College of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences held a successful month-long awareness campaign on Facebook about hearing health and promoted the cochlear implant program through two radio shows. These shows featured a guest speaker who had personally undergone the cochlear implant procedure. The speaker shared his journey from hearing loss to transitioning from hearing aids to the implant. He also addressed queries from Audiology and Speech Therapy students, offering them valuable insights and firsthand knowledge about the process. The initiative successfully heightened awareness of the cochlear implant program’s benefits and gave students learning opportunities through real-life experiences.

 Live Event: No

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: No