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 Organization: Deutscher Schwerhörigenbund e.V.

 Region: Germany

Title: Hearing Health for All! – Parliamentary breakfast on 01.03.2023


On World Hearing Day, 1st March 2023, our patient advocacy group, in collaboration with partners such as the global hearing health initiative, hosted a parliamentary breakfast. This event brought together medical and industry experts, affected individuals, and parliament members, providing a platform for dialogue and conducting hearing tests by seasoned professionals. Despite the high demand for knowledge about untreated hearing loss implications, there are still gaps in care that require significant support to bridge. The morning was filled with insightful keynote speeches, relevant information from expert panelists, and of course, a breakfast, aiming at raising awareness and improving hearing health for everyone.

 Live Event: Yes

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: Yes

 Authorities or policymakers: Yes

 Influencers or celebrities: Yes


Group of celebrities


event room, breakfast


Agenda, informations about provision of hearing aids

 Policy maker at hearing screening