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 Organization: Eastern Cape Department of Education | Sarah Baartman District

 Region: South Africa

Title: Hearing Loss Prevention Through Listening Habits


To make ear and hearing care a reality for all, we launched an ear and hearing care program for learners in grades 6 through 12 emphasizing the risks of listening to loud music, a review of the audiology profession, and self-assessments of hearing through the hearWHO app. This program was delivered through local radio and streamed on Facebook Live, alongside in-person presentations to students, including 167 local high schoolers. Students had the chance to self-assess their hearing through a questionnaire. Of the 77 completed, 41 reported hearing difficulties, while 16 revealed potential literacy or comprehension issues. Some students had trouble providing personal details, and some were older than typical for their grades. Students with signs of hearing loss were referred for follow-up.

 Live Event: Yes

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: No


Radio interview with local radio station for WHD