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 Organization: WS Audiology

 Region: South Africa

Title: World Hearing Day 2023 – Ear and Hearing Care for All!


The campaign, initiated on March 1, 2023, received significant attention when World Hearing Day was mentioned on South Africa’s second largest radio station, Metro FM. This culminated in a studio interview on March 3, 2023, featuring the CEO of WS Audiology and a local audiologist. The interview, reaching over 3.7 million listeners, emphasized the need to know one’s hearing status, encouraged free hearing screenings, and provided guidance if hearing loss was detected. Furthermore, social media influencers were employed to prompt their viewers to get tested. A significant increase of nearly 75% in web traffic was observed on our official sites during March 2023, as per Google Analytics, which is believed to be a direct result of the radio ad campaign.

 Live Event: Yes

 Hearing Screening: Yes

 Social Media: No

 Authorities or policymakers: No

 Influencers or celebrities: Yes