‘To Hear for Life, Listen with Care’ – Screening and Awareness Programme for University Staff and Students | Department of Linguistics, Osmania University, HyderabadUniversity College of Arts and Social Sciences, Osmania University, Hyderabad | India |
“My Dear Friend” – a PCMS Studio production about enjoying music with care | Healthy Macau Association | China |
“Penanganan Komprehensif Pada Bayi Dan Anak Dengan Gangguan Pendengaran” | ENT Departmen of Brawijaya University | |
“Raising World Hearing Day Awareness for General Public at Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, India” | Kamakshi Pandarinathan Trust | India |
“Raising World Hearing Day Awareness for General Public at Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, India” | Kamakshi Pandarinathan Trust | India |
“To hear for life, listen with care!” | B P Eye Foundation, Hospital for Children, Eye, ENT and Rehabilitation Services | Nepal |
“To hear for life, listen with care” – e-CME, poster competition with exhibition and free hearing aid distribution at AIIMS Nagpur | All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nagpur | India |
“Protect your hearing” Lindungi pendengaran Anda IG live | IDI Cabang Padang | Indonesia |
“谨慎用耳,耳聪一生!”(To hear for life,listen with care!)。 | Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University重庆医科大学附属儿童医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科 | Website China |
1 Month Live Instagram @yayasan_aurica “Seeing Children in Holistic Vision” in Commemoration of World Hearing Day 2022 at Aurica Foundation | Aurica Foundation | Indonesia |
2022 World Hearing Day “listen with care!” | Huier Hearing | China |
2022 World Hearing Day “To hear for life, listen with care!” | Hangzhou Ren-Ai Hearing Rehabilitation Research Center | China |
2022 World Hearing Day Series Activities | Macau Deaf Association | China |
2022 World Hearing Day Webinar on Hearing Health and Safe Listening | Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility | Canada |
2022 World Hearing Day: To hear for life, listen with care | Shandong Provincial ENT Hospital | China |
2022 World Hearing Day: To hear for life, listen with care a series of activities | Second hospital of Shanxi Medical University | China |
2022 World Hearing Day: To hear for life, listen with care a series of activities | Second hospital of Shanxi Medical University | China |
3rd Suno Sunao,World Hearing Day 2022 | Neuro-otolgy Unit department of Neurosurgery | India |
4 actions for WHD | LesOREILLES.COMLesOreilles.Com La Mutuelle Générake | France |
a series of activities to commemorate World Hearing Day by KOMDA PGPKT-PERHATI KL of North Sulawesi | PGPKT PERHATI-KL IndonesiaKOMDA PGPKT-PERHATI KL Sulawesi Utara | Indonesia |
Ab India Sunega | | India |
Acceso a dispositivos auditivos de niñas y niños con hipoacusia | Ministerio de Salud | Argentina |
Action and Information Day of the German Association for Hard of Hearing People for Members of the German Bundestag and Citizens of Berlin | Deutscher Schwerhörigenbund e.V. (DSB) | Germany |
Action Day on Hearing Loss Prevention and Hearing Care | BVHI – German Hearing Industry Association/Bundesverband der Hörsysteme-Industrie | Austria, Germany, Switzerland |
Aiims Mangalagiri celebrates World hearing Day 2022 | All India Institute of Medical Sciences Mangalagiri | India |
Ask Me Anything (hearing edition!) with Drs. Brackmann and Peng | The House Institute Foundation | United States of America |
Atención Temprana en pacientes con Hipoacusia | Universidad Santa Paula | Costa Rica |
Atención Temprana en pacientes con Hipoacusia | Universidad Santa Paula | Costa Rica |
audience commemoration of world hearing day 2022 to policy makers and government officials | KOMDA PGPKT AcehKomda PGPKT Provinsi Aceh and Perhati-KL Cabang Aceh | Indonesia |
AudioCafé – A perda auditiva devido a sons altos pode ser evitada (AudioCafé – Hearing loss due to loud sounds can be prevented) | Associação Portuguesa de Audiologistas | Portugal |
Aural Rehabilitation – How it helps us hear better? – A Public Online-Talk | Healthy Macau Association | China |
AUTH MEDICAL SCHOOL CONFERENCE (AUTH=Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) WHO Round table event – organised by the Master of Auditory Processing Disorder (MSc in APD) of AUTH Medical School | MSc in Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | online streaming as well as on site round table Europe – throughout region |
Avaliação auditiva em alunos de Escolas Primarias na Província de Gaza, Moçambique | Provincial Health Directorate of Gaza, Mozambiquenão | Mozambique |
Awareness 16-19 | Association of ENT Armenian Doctors | Armenia |
Awareness activity | All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur India | India |
Awareness and Sensitization Programme on “Ear & Hearing” and “Safe Listening” at Noklak, Nagaland: India | | India |
AWARENESS CAMP ON SAFE LISTENING for SPECIAL children with hearing loss and speech disorders at a school for special children on the day of MARCH 3,2022 at SULTHANBATHERY,KERALA. | Dr SUNIL’s VERTIGO & ENT CLINIC | awareness camp India |
Awareness Campaign on Safe listening and Lunching of First Instituionalized New Born Hearing Screening Program in North West Nigeria | Suleiman Hearing and Educational Foundation | African Region – throughout region, Nigeria |
Awareness for hearing care | Coimbra Health School | Portugal |
Awareness for NewBorn Hearing Screening & Safe Listening Practices | Shaba Speech & Hearing Centre | India |
Awareness of Safe Listening at Carnegie Mellon University and Pittsburgh, PA USA Community | Audition Technology | |
Awareness on Hearing loss and Noise pollution among the Tribal Population. | AIIMS DEOGHAR | India |
Awareness Open Conferences The impact of the Noise in all Music Activitied | AUDIVI | Website, Publication |
Awareness rogramme on World Hearing Day 2022 | SHRAWAN SHAKTI | India |
Bakti Sosial | PERHATI-KL CABANG NTB | Indonesia |
Bakti sosial pemeriksaan telinga siswa SLB di Banyuwangi | Komda PGPKT BanyuwangiKomda PGPKT Jawa Timur, Perhati-KL Jawa Timur Selatan | Indonesia |
Bakti sosial pemeriksaan telinga siswa SLB di Banyuwangi | Komda PGPKT Jawa Timur, Perhati-KL Jawa Timur Selatan | Indonesia |
Bakti sosial pemeriksaan telinga siswa SLB di Banyuwangi | Komda PGPKT Jawa Timur, Perhati-KL Jawa Timur Selatan | Indonesia |
Bakti sosial pemeriksaan telinga siswa SLB di Banyuwangi | Komda PGPKT Jawa Timur, Perhati-KL Jawa Timur Selatan | Indonesia |
BBT Surabaya (puskesmas Jagir) | PGPKT Kota SurabayaPGPKT Kota Surabaya – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hang Tuah – Dr. Ramelan Naval Based Hospital Surabaya | Indonesia |
Bersih-Bersih Telinga dan Skrining Kesehatan Pendengaran | KOMDA PGPKT Lampung Province Indonesia | Indonesia |
Bersih-bersih Telinga dan Skrining Pendengaran bagi Anak dengan Down Syndrome | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Bersih-bersih Telinga Pada Anak Down Syndrome Di Wilayah Serang | PGPKTBANTEN | Indonesia |
Better hearing, Better life | TingLian Hearing | China |
Book launch on March 3 to mark the World Hearing Day: “Saia do Armário da Surdez” | Surdos Que Ouvem + Crônicas da Surdez | Brazil |
Bounce Back from OMICRON (Orientation Mobilization Initiative Care Roll Out Newer) hearing challenges of Online learning and work from home | Dept of Community Medicine, SRMC & RI, SRIHER, Porur, Chennai | India |
Broadcast about ear and hearing screening on regional TV channel | Cimahi Local Commitee on Deaffness and Hearing Screening | |
Celebración 3 de Marzo USP | Universidad Santa Paula | Costa Rica |
Célébration de la Journée Mondiale de l’Audition en Guinée | Programme National de Lutte contre la déficience auditive en GuinéeNon | Guinea |
Celebration of WHD 2022 with theme of “To hear for life, listen with care” | Sound Hearing 2030 (Society for Sound Hearing) | Website, Screening guidelines adapted and Neonatal Hearing screening center in AIIMS Delhi inaugurated India |
Celebration of World Hearing Day 2022 at AIIMS Kalyani | All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani | India |
Celebration of World Hearing Day 3 March 2022 | Department of Health and Family Welfare Punjab | |
Certificado de discapacidad auditiva y su credencial | ScorzaICJ,a.c.scorzaICJ,a.c. | Mexico |
CGHH Listens with Care | Coalition for Global Hearing Health | Website Nicaragua |
Charla “Actualidad nacional y nuevas tendencias de Audiología en Costa Rica” | Asociación de Estuantes de Audiología de la Universidad de Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Charla “Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sordera infantil” | Asociación de Estuantes de Audiología de la Universidad de Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Cleaning The Ear of Down Syndrome Children | PGPKTBANTEN | Indonesia |
Cochlear Implant 9th March 2022 | PGPKT Jawa Tengah | |
Communicate for Life: Build Language with Care | GPODHH | webinar |
Community Counseling at Lakipadada Hospital, Tana Toraja | Komda PGPKT North TorajaKOMDA PGPKT Tana Toraja, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Conecta, 2a. Semana Nacional de la Salud Auditiva | ScorzaICJ,a.c.scorzaICJ,a.c. | Mexico |
Conecta, 2a. Semana Nacional de la Salud Auditiva | ScorzaICJ,a.c. | Mexico |
Conseling on hearing health and wax cleaning (BBT) for elementary school students | Komite daerah Penanggulangan Gangguan pendengaran & ketulianKOMDA GPKT MALUKU TENGGARA, MALUKU, INDONESIA | Indonesia |
Conseling, ear examination, removing earwax in the elderly | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Selatan | |
Conversatorio “Retos de un Audiólogo con discapacidad auditiva” | Asociación de Estuantes de Audiología de la Universidad de Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Conversatorio: ¿Cómo afecta el exceso de ruido a nuestra salud auditiva? | Corporacion Hipoacusia de Chile | Chile |
Counseling on Hearing Health and Wax Cleaning (BBT) | Komite daerah Penanggulangan Gangguan pendengaran & ketulianKOMDA PGPKT KOTA AMBON | Indonesia |
Covid vaccination program combine with ear cleaning at East Palu Subdictrics | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Covid vaccination program combine with ear cleaning at Millenium waterpark, Palu city | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Covid vaccination program combine with ear cleaning at PT. Utama Beton | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Covid vaccination program combine with ear cleaning at PT. Utama Beton | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
covid vaccination program combine with ear cleaning at South Palu Subdictrics | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Cuidado del oido y la audición desde el nacimiento | Ministerio de Salud | Argentina |
Curso de computación para adolescentes hipoacusicos protesizados | Centro Nacional de Audiologia Y Logopedia Ministerio de Salud | Formación e inclusión Nicaragua |
Detection of hearing loss in school children is carried out high school students | KOMDA PGPKT AcehKomda PGPKT Provinsi Aceh | Indonesia |
Deteksi Dini Gangguan Pendengaran Pada Bayi dan Anak | KOMDA PGPKT Lampung Province Indonesia | Indonesia |
Deteksi dini gejala dan tanda hearing loss | rsud dr haryoto Lumajang | |
Dia Mundial da Audição | Audicare | International society member effort Portugal Brazil |
DÍA MUNDIAL DE LA AUDICIÓN 2022 | Día Mundial de la Audición | Ecuador |
Día Mundial de la Audición: Promoviendo alegría con salud auditiva | Centro Nacional de Audiologia Y Logopedia Ministerio de Salud | Nicaragua |
Dialog Kesehatan Deteksi Dini Gangguan Pendengaran pada Bayi Baru Lahir dan Habilitasi pada Difabel Rungu Wicara | PGPKT Jawa Tengah | |
Dis-Konek: Hearing Loss and Earphones Use in the Family | University of Santo Tomas Hospital – Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery | Philippines |
Dissemination and Implementation of guidelines for safe listening entertainment venues | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | Website |
Do you know ? Digital Campaign on “Hearing Loss”-Medtronic Labs Shruti Program India | Medtronic Labs | India |
Donasi Alat Bantu Dengar untuk siswa SLB di Banyuwangi | Komda PGPKT BanyuwangiKomda PGPKT Jawa Timur, Perhati-KL Jawa Timur Selatan | Indonesia |
Donasi Alat Bantu Dengar untuk siswa SLB di Banyuwangi | Komda PGPKT BanyuwangiKomda PGPKT Jawa Timur, Perhati-KL Jawa Timur Selatan | Indonesia |
E-Book – Como escolher os fones de ouvido corretos para não colocar sua audição em risco? / How to choose the headphones so you don’t put your hearing at risk? / Cómo elegir los auriculares adecuados para no poner en riesgo tu audicion? | Carla Bahillo- SavingEars | Website, Publication |
Ear & Hearing Screening in Disability person | Indonesian EHC Central Committee | |
Ear and hear care awareness for each age groups | Center of. Excellence of otolaryngology head and neck surgery | Thailand |
Ear and hearing health services at SD Negeri 6 Sabang City | KOMDA PGPKT Aceh | Indonesia |
Ear Care Day | Department of Otolaryngology,Longgang E.N.T hospital & Shenzhen Key Laboratory of E.N.T, Institute of E.N.T Shenzhen | China |
Ear cleanign and hearing Screening at Tadulako General Hospital | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Ear Cleaning | Committee for prevention of hearing impairment and deafness of Bali | Indonesia |
Ear cleaning and hearing Screening for lecturer age above 60 in Tadulako University | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Ear Cleaning and Screening for Children with Down Syndrome | PGPKT KOMDA KALTIM | Indonesia |
Ear cleaning at Palolo Subdictric | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Ear Cleaning for Down Syndrome Patients & Webinar Hearing Problem in Children and Infants with Down Syndrome | dr haryoto hospital | Indonesia |
Ear Cleaning for Down Syndrome Patients & Webinar Hearing Problem in Children and Infants with Down Syndrome | dr haryoto hospitalKOMDA PGPKT LUMAJANG | Indonesia |
Ear Cleaning, Hearing Screening and Health Promotion about Presbycusis for Elderly | PGPKT KOMDA KALTIM | Indonesia |
Ear Day series activities: Lifelong listening, listening attentively | 山西医科大学第二医院 | China |
Ear Day series activities: Lifelong listening, listening attentively | 山西医科大学第二医院 | China |
Ear Examination and Hearing Screening in Children with Down Syndrome | West Java Hearing CommitteeWest Java Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Association | Indonesia |
Ear Nose , Throat ,Head and Neck Surgery Department , University of Benin Teaching HospitalWorld Hearing Day 2022 | Department of Ear Nose Throat Head and Neck Surgery, University of Benin Teaching Hospital | Website, Publication, Grant program Nigeria |
Ear screening | st. Pauls Hospital Milleniums Medical Collegue | Ethiopia |
Ear to Hear MVF – WHD 2022 | Meenakshi Venkatraman Foundation | India |
Early Hearing Loss Detection & Intervention | University of Benghazi | Libya |
EarPeace Earplugs Giveaway | The House Institute Foundation | United States of America |
Eckel Noise Control Technologies – SNS Reaching out. | Eckel Noise Control Technologies | Canada, United States of America |
Ecoute-bien et dépasse pas les 80 / Prenons la mesure du son | Fondation Pour l’Audition | France |
Education and Ear Health Screening for Elementary School Students | KOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Education and Examination | PGPKT | Indonesia |
Education and Examination | PGPKT Komda Labura | Indonesia |
education on hospital visitor | Cimahi Local Commitee on Deaffness and Hearing Screening | Indonesia |
Edukasi shrining pendengaran bayi baru latir dan pencegahan ketulian akibat bising | KOMDA Kabupaten Sorong | Indonesia |
EHC/PGPKT Military Committee………..In the Future | Indonesian EHC CommitteeIndonesian EHC/PGPKT Central Committee | Indonesia |
eKapitbisigmo@UPNTHC Outreach Service Hub on Safe Listening Launch and Calls to Action: Policy Discussion on Safe listening Standards | ikapitbisigmo | International society member effort Southeast Asia – throughout the region |
eKapitbisigmo@UPNTHC Outreach Service Hub on Safe Listening Launch and Calls to Action: Policy Discussion on Safe listening Standards | ikapitbisigmo | International society member effort |
Elige Oír | Fundación Elige Oír | Chile |
ENT health services in Malendeng’s prison Manado, clean ears | KOMDA PGPKT Sulawesi Utara | Indonesia |
Expanding Access to Quality Ear and Hearing Care Services in Cameroon | Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services | Grant program, Ear and Hearing Care Project Cameroon |
Expert interview: How harmful is long-term use of earphones; No scaremongering, Stop using earphones like this. | Sir Run RUN Hospital,Nanjing Medical University | China |
Fitness Fest 2022 | Josh Foundation | India |
Fitness Fest 2022 for Hearing Impaired Children | Josh Foundation | India |
For Hearing Health, For the Future | Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College | China |
free awareness camp for special children with hearing loss and speech disorders | Dr SUNIL’s VERTIGO & ENT CLINIC | India |
Free clinic activities | Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,Zhongda Hospital,Southeast University | China |
free clinic for ear diseases | The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzho University | China |
Free Ear Screening Activity -Medtronic Labs Shruti Program- Deoghar, Jharkhand | Medtronic Labs | India |
Free Ear Screening Activity -Medtronic Labs Shruti Program- Jaipur | Medtronic Labs | India |
Free Ear Screening Activity & Press Conference -Medtronic Labs Shruti Program-Delhi | Medtronic Labs | India |
Free Hearing Loss Screenings and Medical Consultation for Uninsured Patients | TecSalud | Mexico |
Free medical check up and terapi for children and adult at TPA ASY SYIFA South borneo | Perhatian kalseltengPGPKT banjarmasin Perhati Kalselteng | Indonesia |
Free Speech & Hearing Screening Camp | AURICARE SPEECH & HEARING CLINIC | |
Future Care – deafness gene equipment project | Audiology Development Foundation of Chinano | China |
GHITA Hearingloss Week 2022 | Gibraltar Hearing Issues & Tinnitus Association | Gibraltar (British Overseas Territory) |
Giornata Mondiale dell’Udito | Udito Italia Onlus | Website, Publication Italy |
Hari Pendengaran Sedunia: Pelihara pendengaran untuk mendengar sepanjang hayat | Audiology Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia | Malaysia |
Health education and screening | HearMi Ghana | Ghana |
Health education series 1 at RSUP Prof Dr R D Kandou hospital, March 7, 2022 | KOMDA PGPKT Sulawesi Utara | Indonesia |
Health education series 2 at RSUP Prof Dr R D Kandou hospital, March 18, 2022 | KOMDA PGPKT Sulawesi Utara | Indonesia |
Health talk “world Hearing day” at Siloam hospital Manado, March 4th, 2022 | KOMDA PGPKT Sulawesi utara | Indonesia |
Healthy hearing for healthy learning | hearX Foundation | South Africa |
Healthy hearing for healthy learning (Paarl, South Africa) | hearX Foundation | South Africa |
Hear Better Live Better | N/AAn Najah National University | Palestine |
Hear for life | Associazione FIADDA CAPITANATA APS | Italy |
Hear for Life ! | Pakistan Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences | Pakistan |
Hear for life, listen with care | Ziauddin University of College of speech language and hearing sciences | |
Hear for life: hearing care strategies for prevention – Free webinar hosted by hearX Group Founder, Prof. De Wet Swanepoel, in partnership with the University of Pretoria, South Africa. | hearX Group | Webinar South Africa |
Hear safely | King Khalid University | Saudia Arabia |
Hear to listen & Listen to hear | MSc in Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Website Europe – throughout region |
HEARING | Piacenza Hospital Italy | Italy |
Hearing and Listening | Rampo ClinicNo | Website, International society member effort, Grant program India |
Hearing care awarenss SNS marathon in English and Te Reo Māori: Poutū-te-rangi Marama o Te Mātau a-Rongo | Auditory and Vestibular Translational Neuroscience Cluster (AVTNC) | New Zealand |
Hearing care for all – Kenya | hearX Kenya | Kenya |
Hearing Community Services in conjunction with World Hearing Day 2022 | EAR AND HEARING CLINIC, KULLIYYAH OF MEDICINE, INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA (IIUM) | Malaysia |
Hearing conservation and early detection of hearing loss of CBM personnel across the world | CBM Christoffel Blindenmission Christian Blind Mission e.V. | Website, Publication |
Hearing Conservation Program For Polycore Optical | Polycore Optical (M) Sdn Bhd | Internal Program Malaysia |
Hearing Conservation Program Promotion and implementation in top segments | 3M China Ltd | China |
Hearing Health awareness for Police personnel | SHADES Center of Excellence | India |
Hearing Health awareness for Police personnel | SHADES Center of Excellence | India |
Hearing Health Meeting ALSEPNEO | ALSEPNEO | Region of the Americas – throughout region |
Hearing House for the World Hearing Day 2022 | Pediatric Hearing Centre Hearing House | Website Georgia |
HEARING LOSS DUE TO NOISE INDUCED, AN INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE | Komite daerah Penanggulangan Gangguan pendengaran & ketulianKOMDA PGPKT PROVINSI MALUKU | Indonesia |
Hearing loss in adults: a major public health issue and a challenge for the medical profession | YoungAcademics Manchester | International society member effort United Kingdom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland |
hearing screening | Komda PGPKT Palu | Indonesia |
Hearing screening and awareness program | J S S Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru | India |
Hearing Screening and hearing aids fitting | Oir Para Crecer | Peru |
Hearing screening and hearing loss sensitization of Pan players in Trinidad and Tobago | Hearwellear Services Ltd. | Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago |
Hearing Screening for newborns and awareness for Cochlear Implant in severe to profound children | Simran Speech and Hearing Clinic | India |
Hearing screening in Cape Verde | Igreja do Nazareno do PalmarejoHospital Universitário Agostinho Neto | Cabo Verde |
hearing screening in children beetwen 0-5th years | RSUD Sultan Imanuddin pangkalan bun | Indonesia |
Hearing Screening in Elderly at Yayasan Al-Kautsar Palu | Komda PGPKT Sulawesi Tengah* | Indonesia |
Hearing screening of informal sector workers | Hearing Health Rwanda | Rwanda |
Hearing screening on newborn in La Patarai Hospital Kab Barru | Komda PGPKT Kab Barru | Indonesia |
Hearing screening on newborn in La Patarai Hospital Kab Barru | Komda PGPKT Kab Barru | Indonesia |
Hearing screening program for the adult | GUANGZHOU YOUHEAR TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD. | China |
Hearing Screening Staff of St. Teresa Hospital, Marampa. Toraja Utara | KOMDA PGPKT Tana Toraja, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Hearing Screening Training for Health Workers in West Java Province | West Java Hearing Committee | Indonesia |
Hearing skrining | Puskesmas Tikala | Indonesia |
HEARKEN | Father Muller College | India |
HI-Genes Resource pack | HI-Genes Africa | South Africa |
hospital University Hasanuddin podcast “Obrol Sehat” | Teaching Hospital Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia | Indonesia |
hybride webinar to present the first Tunisian study of noise risk perception by Tunisian citizens and information about WHD 2022 | ANCSEP | Tunisia |
I foro Nacional de Tamizaje auditivo Nacional | Centro Nacional de Audiologia Y Logopedia Ministerio de Salud | Nicaragua |
II congreso Internacional : salud Auditiva Escuchando el futuro en el día Mundial de la Audición | Centro Nacional de Audiologia Y Logopedia Ministerio de Salud | Nicaragua |
Improving 15-19 year old student’ hearing through use of Safe hearing strategies | Wizear TrustNA | Website Zimbabwe |
Inclusive Ear and Hearing care campaign | Eye hear Foundation, Inc | Philippines |
Interactive dialogue and counseling broadcast on the radio The Djati FM Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia | KOMDA PGPKT Aceh | Indonesia |
Interactive Dialogue and Counselling Broadcast on the Radio RRI Natuna | PGPKT Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Interactive Hearing Safety Awareness with Jolene Mannequin | Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember | Website Indonesia |
Introduce the messages on WHD into communities. | Beijing Tongren HospitalBeijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University. | China |
Joining hands with Malawi | The Ear Trust | Malawi United Kingdom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland |
Jolene World Hearing Day at UNCO | Dangerous Decibels | United States of America |
Journée mondiale de l’audition, groupe de parole | 228innovation | Togo |
JSS World Hearing Day Celebrations | JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing | India |
Kegiatan Bakti Sosial Pemeriksaan Telinga | Komda PGPKT Kabupaten Probolinggo | Indonesia |
Kegiatan Pemeriksaan Telinga ‘Festival Jangari’ | Komda PGPKT Cianjur | |
Kegiatan Pemeriksaan Telinga ‘Festival Jangari’ | Komda PGPKT Cianjur | |
Kegiatan Pemeriksaan Telinga ‘Festival Jangari’ | Komda PGPKT Cianjur | |
Kodagu Listens Safe | Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences | India |
Kolkata Society for Empowerment of the Differently Abled | KOLKATA SOCIETY FOR EMPOWERMENT OF THE DIFFERENTLY ABLED | Website India |
Komda PGPKT Toraja Utara 2022 | Komda PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Kompas TV live talk show “Sapa Manado” about world hearing day 2022 | PGPKT PERHATI-KL Indonesia | |
Kunjungan dan Tali Asih ke Panti Wreda Harapan Ibu | KSM THT-KL RSUP Dr.Kariadi | |
Kunjungan dan Tali Asih ke Panti Wreda Harapan Ibu | PGPKT Jawa Tengah | |
Laikipia County World Hearing Day 2022 – To hear for life, listen with care | Laikipia County Government | Kenya |
Launch of the Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey | Macquarie University Hearing | Australia |
Launching 2 EHC Books “To Be A Better Being” | PGPKTIndonesian EHC/PGPKT Central Committee | Indonesia |
Let’s enjoy hearing with responsibility: screening, awareness and safe listening at Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile. | Centro de Investigación de la Audición, los Sentidos y la Comunicación-Universidad del Desarrollo | Chile |
listen easily and live happily | Licongtang hearing rehabilitationLiCongTang Hearing | China |
Listen Responsibly | Amplifon | Website France, Italy, Spain |
Listen Safely: Your Ear Health Matters | Breakthrough ACTION NigeriaUniversity of Ibadan | Nigeria |
Listen to our Sign Languages | World Federation of the Deaf | Website |
Listen with Care and Enjoy Hearing for Life | Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) School of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology, Pune, India | India |
Listen with Care and Hear for Life | National Research Centre for Audiology and Hearing Rehabilitation | Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation |
Listen with care. Have a good hearing. WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 | Centrum Słuchu i Mowy Sp. z o.o. | Website Poland |
Love children little ears , listen to the future | Nanjing hearing screening management centet in China | |
Make Listening Safe!!! | University of KelaniyaUniversity of Kelaniya and Ayati Centre Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Marketing Campaign – Hearing loss statistics, prevention, screening, and intervention | TecSalud | Mexico |
Meet the expert (Ear Problem for first public medical facility) Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding | PGPKT Kota SurabayaPGPKT Kota Surabaya – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hang Tuah – Dr. Ramelan Naval Based Hospital Surabaya | Indonesia |
Meet the expert (Ear Problem for first public medical facility) Puskesmas Tembok Dukuh | PGPKT Kota Surabaya | Indonesia |
Meet the expert (Puskesmas Jagir) | PGPKT Kota SurabayaPGPKT Kota Surabaya – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hang Tuah – Dr. Ramelan Naval Based Hospital Surabaya | |
Military Hearing Screening | Cimahi Local Commitee on Deaffness and Hearing Screening | |
Mitos de las prótesis auditivas, celebración USP | Universidad Santa Paula | Costa Rica |
Movement 100 Cochlear Implants | Indonesian EHC CommitteeIndonesian EHC/PGPKT Central Committee | Indonesia |
National Celebration of World Hearing Day 2022, Malaysia | Audiology Technical Committee, Ministry of Health MalaysiaORL Service, Audiology Technical Committee, Speech Therapy Technical Committee, Ministry of Health Malaysia | Malaysia |
National Ear Screening & Cleaning for Healthy Hearing in Down Syndrome Children | Indonesian EHC Central Committee | Indonesia |
National TV interview on World Hearing Day | GRISI | Portugal |
Neonatal hearing screening at Surat: A cross-sectional study to decrease rate of hearing and speech loss in children and spread awareness | Swarsangya FoundationSwarsangya Charitable Trust | Website, Publication, Grant program India |
New born hearing screening | pokhara academy of health sciences, western regional hospital, pokhara, nepal | Nepal |
Newborn hearing screening | Elhawari specialised surgical Center – Alsabri polyclinic | Libya |
Noiced Induced Hearing Loss | KOMDA PGPKT PONTIANAK | Indonesia |
Noiced Induced Hearing Loss | KOMDA PGPKT PONTIANAK | Indonesia |
Noise Awareness on Radio Broadcast | West Java Hearing CommitteeDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung Indonesia | Indonesia |
Noise Awareness Socialisation and Hearing Hearing in Army Forces Member | West Java Hearing Committee | |
Noise Exposure and Safe Listening for College Students | University of Nebraska Kearney Department of Communication Disorders | United States of America |
Noise exposure awareness campaign in Estonia | Estonian Audiology Society | Estonia |
Noise-aware youth counseling and campaign | KOMDA PGPKT Aceh | Indonesia |
Online Public Education about safe hearing in online meeting | PGPKT DIY | Indonesia |
Online webinar : Management of microtia atresia | Perhati KL Jatim Utara | Indonesia |
online webinar ‘World Hearing Day’ for the public community, March 14, 2022 | KOMDA PGPKT Sulawesi Utara | Indonesia |
online webinars for the general public in commemoration of world hearing day, March 14, 2022 | KOMDA PGPKT Sulawesi Utara | Indonesia |
Ouvir para a vida | GRISI | Portugal |
Para ouvir sempre, saiba cuidar da sua audição! | Carla Bahillo- SavingEars | Brazil |
PARAGUAY’S WORLD HEARING WEEK 22 | Programa Ñahendu del Cuidado del Oído y la Audición. Fundación Visión | Paraguay |
Pare, Escute e Fale: promoção da saúde comunicativa ao longo da vida – Stop, Listen and Speak: communicative health promotion throughout life | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and partnersFederal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Univerisidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS) and partners | Brazil |
Pelatihan bahasa isyarat bagi guru dan orang tua siswa SLB di Banyuwangi | Komda PGPKT BanyuwangiKomda PGPKT Jawa Timur, Perhati Jatim Selatan | Indonesia |
Pelayanan Bersih-Bersih Telinga pada kegiatan Puskesmas Keliling di Tana Toraja | KOMDA PGPKT Tana Toraja, Indonesia | Indonesia |
PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT SOSIALISASI PASCA GANGGUAN DENGAR MENUJU MASA DEPAN CERAH | PGPKT Kota SurabayaPGPKT Kota Surabaya – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hang Tuah – Dr. Ramelan Naval Based Hospital Surabaya | Indonesia |
Penjaringan Anak Sekolah | PPNI | Indonesia |
Penjaringan Anak Sekolah | IBI | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan “Infeksi Telinga” di Poliklinik / Rawat Jalan RSUD R. Syamsudin, S.H. Kota Sukabumi | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan “Kotoran Telinga dan Permasalahannya” di Poliklinik / Rawat Jalan RSUD R. Syamsudin, S.H. Kota Sukabumi | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan & BBT di Posyandu | KOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan & bersih-bersih telinga di Posyandu Rante Lembang Rantebua | IDI Toraja UtaraKOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan & bersih-bersih telinga di Posyandu Rante Lembang Rantebua | IDI Toraja UtaraKOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan & Uji Kebisingan Penggunaan Headset Orang Muda Katolik | KOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan dan Pemeriksaan Telinga serta Pemberian Bantuan Alat Belajar Siswa SLB | KSM THT-KL RSUP Dr.Kariadi | |
Penyuluhan dan Pemeriksaan Telinga serta Pemberian Bantuan Alat Belajar Siswa SLB | PGPKT Jawa Tengah | |
Penyuluhan dan Pemeriksaan Telinga serta Pemberian Bantuan Alat Belajar Siswa SLB | PGPKT Jawa Tengah | |
Penyuluhan Gangguan Pendengaran Pada Bayi dan Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Bising | PGPKT Kota Palangka Raya | Indonesia |
Penyuluhan Tentang Kotoran Telinga dan Bersih-bersih Telinga pada Siswa SD | KOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
PKMRS Hearing Awareness | PGPKT Kota SurabayaPGPKT Kota Surabaya – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hang Tuah – Dr. Ramelan Naval Based Hospital Surabaya | Indonesia |
Podcast Competition “Health Hearing” For High School in Padang City | PPDS THT-KL RSUP Dr. M Djamil Padang | Indonesia |
Podcast IDI Kota Sukabumi “Adaptasi Kebiasaan Mendengar yang Baik” | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Poster edukasi | KOMDA PGPKT AcehSYIAH KUALA UNIVERSITY | Indonesia |
Poster edukasi tentang world Word hearing day | KOMDA PGPKT AcehUniversitas Syiah Kuala | Publication Indonesia |
PPKT | Bidan | Indonesia |
PPKT | Bidan | Indonesia |
PPKT | Bidan | Indonesia |
PPKT | Bidan | Indonesia |
Preach the importance of hearing, especially to understand God’s Word | Komda PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Preserving hearing for the future | | Uganda |
Prevención de enfermedades y consecuencias en la audición por el fumado de tabaco. | Ministerio de salud de Costa Rica | |
Prevention of Deafness, Promotion & Conservation of Hearing in Children in Nepal | Ear Care Nepal | Nepal |
Primary Ear and Hearing training and Primary School Ear and Hearing outreach clinic | ENT Department, Ministry of Health, Samoa | Samoa |
Promoción de la salud auditiva en población materno- infantil que reciben los servicios de la Dirección Nacional de CEN-CINAI, Costa Rica | Dirección Nacional de CEN-CINAI | Costa Rica |
Promoción de la salud auditiva entre las personas trabajadoras de Ministerio de Salud | Ministerio de salud de Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Promoción y difusión del cuidado de la audición (Hearing Care Promotion) | Clinicas Audiológicas Oír Bien | Mexico |
Promote Hearing Care: You are part of it!! | LAMAR UNIVERSITY / Lilian Felipe | United States of America |
Promote listening save “hearing save” | rsud dr haryoto Lumajang | Indonesia |
Promoting lifelong hearing health | Hospital Santo Tomas | Panama |
Promoting Safe listening concept and National Ear Day | Beijing Society Audiology | China |
PSU hearing day, we always care your hearing. | Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkhla UniversityPSU World Hearing Day | Thailand |
Public Auditory Cognition Ability Census for Children | Wuhan Chiltoon Educational Technology Ltd. | China |
Public Science Education of “To Hear for Life, Listen with Care” | 成都聪茂源健康管理集团有限公司 | China |
Public Science Education of “To Hear for Life, Listen with Care” | 成都聪茂源健康管理集团有限公司 | China |
Publishing Books QnA about Ear dan Hearing care | Cimahi Local Commitee on Deaffness and Hearing Screening | Indonesia |
Raising awareness Hear for life | Club de Leones Panama | Panama |
Raising awareness about hearing during the week between 24.2. – 3.3. and The Gala Award Evening of the Association of Cochlear Implant Users | Association of Cochlear Implant Users (SUKI) | Czech Republic |
Raising Awareness of Hearing Loss and Hearing in Children | Komda PGPKT Solo | Indonesia |
Raising Awareness of Hearing Loss and Hearing Screening Examination in Deaf Family Solo Raya Community | Komda PGPKT Solo | Indonesia |
Raising Awareness of Hearing Loss and Hearing Screening Examination in Down Syndrome Community | Komda PGPKT Solo | Indonesia |
Raising Awareness of Hearing Loss and Hearing Screening Examination in Down Syndrome Community | Komda PGPKT Solo | Indonesia |
Rastreio Auditivo – Dia Mundial Da Audição | Hospital das Forças Armadas – Pólo do Porto | Portugal |
Release a series of original articles on the theme of World Hearing day on the Wechat platform | Shanghai Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | China |
Release a series of original articles on the theme of World Hearing day on the Wechat platform | Shanghai Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | China |
Release a series of original articles on the theme of World Hearing day on the Wechat platform | Shanghai Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | China |
Report of World Hearing Day 2022 | Mayflower Medical Outreach, INC | Nicaragua |
Safari Pembagian Ear Plug & Penyuluhan Pekerja Berdampak Bising di lembang Sangbua | KOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Safari Pembagian Ear Plug & Penyuluhan Pekerja Berdampak Bising di lembang Tallulolo | KOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Safari Pemeriksaan kesehatan Telinga Anak Sekolah pada 3 SD di Tikala, Toraja Utara | KOMDA PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
SAFE Hearing -LONG Listening | DHWANI AURICA PVT LTD | Publication, Grant program India |
Safe Listening | | India |
Safe listening and hearing health | Université de montréal | Website, Publication, International society member effort, Grant program Canada |
Safe Listening Awareness Campaign | Malaysian National Society of Audiologists (MANSA) | Malaysia |
Safe listening awareness to youth groups and Community | Uganda Federation of hard of hearing (UFHOH)Not really | Uganda |
Safe Listening Infographic Video | Philippine National Ear InstitutePhilippine National Ear Institute and UP-PGH Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery | Philippines |
Safe Listening Media Campaign | CI Center @ GBMC | United States of America |
Safe listening tips to prevent permanant damage to your hearing | King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital | Thailand |
Safe listening when masking tinnitus | Huadong Hospital affiliated with Fudan University | China |
Salud auditiva para la calidad de vida | CIBERER-CSIC & AGBELL INT. | Spain Region of the Americas – throughout region |
Saúde Auditiva na Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo | Caminhoneiros Surdos do Brasil | Brazil |
Save the Ears- Safe Listening Strategies | University of Toledo -NSSLHA Chapter | United States of America |
Schoolchildren screeaning | Komda PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Scientific Policy and Information Forum on Program Development for Hearing Health | Philippine National Ear InstitutePhilippine National Ear Institute and National Academy of Science and Technology | Philippines |
Scientific Policy and Information Forum on Program Development for Hearing Health | Philippine National Ear InstitutePhilippine National Ear Institute, National Academy of Science and Technology-Philippines and UP-PGH Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery | Philippines |
ScorzaICJ, Secretaria de Salud en México con la Dirección General de Promoción de la Salud, Dirección General de Promocion de Epidemiologia, Direccion General de Geriatria, Censida, Universidad Tec de Monterrey | ScorzaICJ,a.c.scorzaICJ,a.c. | Mexico |
screening and awareness towards hearing problem | All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli | India |
Screening and distribution of ear plugs for people exposed to recreational and occupational noise in Yaounde, Cameroon | SHOMEA | Cameroon |
SCREENING FOR ELDERLY HEARING HEALTH AT NURSING HOME “INA KAKA AMBON | Komite daerah Penanggulangan Gangguan pendengaran & ketulianPGPKT PROVINSI MALUKU | Indonesia |
screening for preventable hearing loss | Varun arjun Medical College And Rohilkhand HospitalVarun Arjun Medical College And Rohilkhand Hospital | India |
Semana de la Salud Auditiva | UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA | Colombia |
Semana de la Salud Auditiva | UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA | Colombia |
Sensibilización sobre prevención de enfermedades del oído | Ministerio de salud de Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Sensitization on safe listening levels for musicians and singers | Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER) | India |
Sharing Session about Management and Support System in Hearing Problem | PGPKT DIY | Indonesia |
sharing via WhattsApp group about Ear Hearing Aid Fitting | Komda PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Si hEARo: A Coloring Book | Philippine National Ear InstitutePhilippine National Ear Institute and UP-PGH Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery | Philippines |
Signing of a charter of cooperation in ear health services (hyperbaric oxygen therapy) between Perhati-KL Aceh and the J. Lilipory Naval Hospital, Sabang City | KOMDA PGPKT AcehPerhati-KL cabang Aceh | Indonesia |
Skreening Kesehatan Ibu Hamil di Posyandu | KOMDA PGPKT Tana Toraja, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Slovak Otology Day | Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Comenius University | Slovakia |
Social Event Ear Cleaning , Hearing Aids donation, and Half Day Symposium | Inathalens | Indonesia |
Social Event on Deaf School | Indonesian Audiologist Association / Perhimpunan Audiologis Indonesia (PERAUDI) | Indonesia |
socialization and ear health checks at the Mandalika nursing home West Nusa Tenggara | Komda PGPKt Nusa Tenggara Barat | Indonesia |
socialization of world hearing day 2022 | KOMDA PGPKT AcehKomda PGPKT Kota Banda Aceh | Indonesia |
Sosialisasi dan Pemeriksaan kesehatan telinga pada panti jompo/wreda Mandalika NTB | KOMDA NTBKOMDA PGPKT NTB | Indonesia |
Strengthening Ear and Hearing Care Training for nurses | UnzaBeit Cure Hospital | Zambia |
Student Screening for Earphone Use | Komda PGPKT North Toraja | Indonesia |
Talkshow ‘Gangguan Pendengaran pada Anak Usia Sekolah’ | Komda PGPKT Cianjur | |
Talkshow ‘Kenali Gangguan Pendengaran yang Dapat Dicegah’ | Komda PGPKT Cianjur | |
Talkshow ‘Pendengaranku Masa depanku’ | Komda PGPKT Cianjur | |
Talkshow “NGOBRAS” Instagram live with RSUD kabupaten Brebes with the title All About Hearing Impairment | KOMDA PGPKT Brebes and RSUD Kab. Brebes | Indonesia |
Talkshow Bunut FM 107,7 FM “Gendang Telinga Berlubang” | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Talkshow Bunut FM 107,7 FM “Jenis Ketulian dan Penyebabnya” | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Talkshow Instagram Live @klinikutamapradhita “Hubungan Gangguan Dengar dengan Vertigo” | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Talkshow Instagram Live @klinikutamapradhita “Telinga Berdenging” | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Talkshow Radio Swara Perintis 93,1 FM Kota Sukabumi “Hubungan Gangguan Dengar pada Anak dengan Keterlambatan Bicara” | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Talkshow Radio Swara Perintis 93,1 FM Kota Sukabumi “Nyeri Telinga” | Komda PGPKT Kota Sukabumi | Indonesia |
Tamiz Auditivo, las Familias y la Cartilla Nacional de Salud | ScorzaICJ,a.c. | Mexico |
TASLPA WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 | Telangana Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists Association | India |
Teach kindergarten students about earwax / cerumen | Komda PGPKT Toraja Utara, Indonesia | Indonesia |
Ten years of implementation of the national newborn hearing screening program in Israel. | Ministry of Health | Israel |
the 2022 WHD Celebration in Jiangsu | HI/IFOS/ISA Jiangsu Ear and Hearing CenterHI/IFOS/ISA Jiangsu Ear and Hearing Center in Jiangsu Province Hospital | China |
The Activity of Komda PGPKT LANGKAT in World Hearing Day 2022 | Komda PGPKT Langkat | Indonesia |
The Activity of Komda PGPKT LANGKAT in World Hearing Day 2022 | Komda PGPKT Langkat | Indonesia |
The Activity of PGPKT North Aceh District in WHD 2022 | PGPKT | Indonesia |
The Science of Healthy Hearing Podcast | Ear Science Institute Australia | Website Australia |
Tic toc educational video about hearing loss | KOMDA PGPKT Sulawesi Utara | Indonesia |
To Hear for Life Listen with Care | Better Hearing Australia Brisbane | Australia |
to hear for life, listen with care | Cimahi Local Committee in Deafness and Hearing Care | |
To hear for life, listen with care | AudioMax2010 (PVT)LTD | Zimbabwe |
To hear for life, listen with care! | Department of Audiology & SLP, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal | Website India |
To hear for life, listen with care! | Department of Audiology & SLP, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal | Website India |
To hear for life, listen with care!-Lisound is always with you | Lisound Hearing Aid (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd. | China |
To hear for life, listen with care!! | Otolaryngology department, Vajira hospital | Thailand |
To hear for life, listen with care. | Bukavu General Provincial Referral Hospital | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
To hear for life,listen with care | Lyratone Technologies,Inc | China |
Too much noise can harm your health: an online panel discussion on noise induced hearing losssion | Perhati KL Jatim Utara | Indonesia |
Too much noise can harm your health: an online panel discussion on noise induced hearing losssion | Perhati KL Jatim Utara | Indonesia |
Towards a Safe Listening Environment in Bangladesh | Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) | Bangladesh |
Training for early detection of hearing loss in infants and children | KOMDA PGPKT AcehKomda PGPKT Provinsi Aceh | Indonesia |
Translation Announcement, Flyer, and Infographic into Javanese Language | KOMITE DAERAH PGPKT KLATEN , CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA | Indonesia |
TV TALKSHOW, ” HEARING HEALTH AN ASSET OF THE FUTURE | Komite daerah Penanggulangan Gangguan pendengaran & ketulianPGPKT PROVINSI MALUKU | Indonesia |
UACA WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 | Universal Association of Clinical Audiologists | India |
UACA WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 | Universal Association of Clinical Audiologists | India |
Unheard Stories Film Festival | Soundfair | Australia |
Various IEC Activities under WHO small Grant Program on World Hearing Day | Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla, India | India |
Virtual Lunch Debate at the European Parliament “To hear for life, listen with care!” | AEA European Association of Hearing Aid Professionals | Europe – throughout region |
Webinar | Committee for prevention of hearing impairment and deafness of Bali | Indonesia |
Webinar – A exposição ao ruído em contexto recreativo (Noise exposure in recreational settings) | Associação Portuguesa de Audiologistas | Portugal |
Webinar on noise induced hearing loss for general public | Komda PGPKT SULAWESI TENGGARA | Indonesia |
Webinar Penatalaksaan Tuli Kongenital Minggu, 27 Februari 2022 | KSM THT-KL RSUP Dr.Kariadi | |
Webinar Penatalaksaan Tuli Kongenital Minggu, 27 Februari 2022 | PGPKT Jawa Tengah | |
Webinar seputar THT-KL | PGPKT Kota Bogor | Indonesia |
WHD | st. Pauls Hospital Milleniums Medical Collegue | Ethiopia |
WHD 2022 Activities | centre d’Audiologie KALE-B | Publication Burundi |
WHD 2022 Campaign | Eqkuiaccess Foundation | India |
WHD activities in Madagascar | ORL Audiology Clinic/ SALFA , CBM MAHENO Project | Madagascar |
WHD with Down Syndrome Children | Indonesian EHC Central Committee | Indonesia |
WHO KSM THT-KL RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang | KSM THT-KL RSUP Dr.Kariadi | |
Wold Hearing Day in my working place: screening, awareness and safe listening at Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital, Santiago, Chile. | Centro de Investigación de la Audición, los Sentidos y la Comunicación-Universidad del DesarrolloDr. Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital | Chile |
Word hearing day celebration | amicale des ORL et chirurgiens Maxillo faciaux de sfax et du Sud tunisien AMOMS | Tunisia |
word hearing day event report | The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzho University | China |
Work Hearing Day 2022 | Kampala Parents of Children with Disabilities Association – Makindye (KAPCDAM) | Uganda |
World Deafness day brief report (03 march to 10 march) | National Health mission madhya pradeshNational Health Mission Madhya Pradesh | |
World Deafness day brief report (03 march to 10 march) | National Health mission madhya pradeshNational Health Mission Madhya Pradesh | |
World deafness day brief report 03 march 2022 | National Health mission madhya pradesh | India |
World Haring Day in Aceh, Indonesia | KOMDA PGPKT Aceh | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day Celebration with the Department of Basic Education, University of Pretoria and the HearX Group. | HearX | South Africa |
World Hearing Day | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands |
WORLD HEARING DAY | Rizwan Adatia Foundation | Mozambique |
WORLD HEARING DAY | Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation(Deemed to be University), School of Rehabilitation and Behavioral Sciences, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College Campus, Pondicherry, India | India |
World Hearing Day – 2022 | School of Allied Health Sciences – VIMS Hospital campus, Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (DU), Salem | India |
World Hearing Day – Awareness | Central Hearing Care Center | Bangladesh |
World Hearing Day – Dag van het Oor, Leiden City of Science 2022 | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands |
World Hearing Day & March Hearing Awareness Month | National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing | New Zealand |
WORLD HEARING DAY 03.03.2022 „To hear for life, listen with care“ – Prophylactic campaign on hearing disorders | Prof. Paraskev Stoyanov Medical University of Varna Faculty of Dental MedicineUniversity medical and dental center, Faculty of Dental medicine, Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov” – Varna, Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
World Hearing Day 2022 | Pgpkt Pontianak | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day 2022 | PGPKT KALBAR- | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day 2022 | pgpkt kalbar | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day 2022 | PGPKT KALBAR- | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day 2022 | University of Malaya | Malaysia |
world hearing day 2022 | PGPKT | Indonesia |
WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 | Hospital PenangGeneral Hospital in Penang State | Website, Video clip during News announcement MALAYSIA |
World Hearing Day 2022 | NIH | United States of America |
World Hearing Day 2022 | Department of ORL-HNS,the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University | China |
World Hearing Day 2022 Awareness & Screening program | All India Institute of Medical Sciences, GorakhpurDr. U Venkatesh, Department of Community Medicine & Family Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Gorakhpur | India |
WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 – activities taken by The Society of Polish Otorhinolaryngologists, Phoniatrists and Audiologists | The Society of Polish Otorhinolaryngologists, Phoniatrists and Audiologists, Poland | Website, International society member effort Poland |
World Hearing Day 2022 + World Down Syndrome Day (Ear check and clean) | ORL-HNS Community Department Airlangga UniversityORL-HNS Community Department Airlangga University Surabaya | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day 2022 Awareness Program | SEHA – Ambulatory Healthcare Services, UAE | United Arab Emirates |
World Hearing Day 2022 campaign | All India Institute of Speech and Hearing | India |
World Hearing Day 2022 Celebration | Anwesha KolketeAnwesha Kolkata | India |
World Hearing Day 2022 celebration – Honduras | Centro Audiologico Auris | Honduras |
World Hearing Day 2022 celebration – Honduras | Centro Audiologico Auris | Honduras |
World Hearing Day 2022 Dept of Speech and Hearing ,MCHP MAHE,Manipal | Manipal College of Health ProfessionsNo | World hearing Day India |
World Hearing Day 2022 Georgia | Aures Foundation | Website Georgia |
World Hearing Day 2022 in Aceh Newspaper | KOMDA PGPKT Aceh | Indonesia |
WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 IN MALUKU PROVINCE INDONESIA | Komite daerah Penanggulangan Gangguan pendengaran & ketulianThe Ear &Health Care Committe/Komda (PGPKT) Maluku Province, Indonesia | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day 2022 in ON City with KAFTAN TV, Ondo State, Nigeria | University of Medical Sciences, Ondo City, Ondo State, NigeriaNo | Nigeria |
WORLD HEARING DAY 2022 in Poland – activities | Institute of Sensory Organs | Website, International society member effort Europe – throughout region, Poland |
World Hearing Day 2022 Population Campaign | West Java Hearing CommitteeDepartment of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung Indonesia | Indonesia |
World hearing day 2022- Listen with care | Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, AJIMS, Mangalore, India | India |
World Hearing Day 2022- The effects of recreational noise on hearing | Department of Speech pathology and Audiology, SDUAHERDepartment of Speech pathology and Audiology, SDUAHER, Kolar | India |
World Hearing day 2022-Ave Sound Clinic | Ave Sound Clinic | India |
World Hearing Day 2022-Optimizing Hearing and Speech Outcome | Cochlear Malaysia | Malaysia |
World Hearing Day 2022: “To hear for life, listen with care.” | Department of Otolaryngology , Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University | Thailand |
World Hearing Day 2022: To hear for Life, Listen with Care | East Avenue Medical Center | Southeast Asia – throughout the region, Philippines |
WORLD HEARING DAY 2022: To hear for life, listen with care. | NIGERBELL SPEECH AND HEARING CENTERS | Nigeria |
World Hearing Day 22 – Indus Hospital & Health Network | Indus Hospital & Health NetworkENT Dept. Indus Hospital & Health Network | Pakistan |
World Hearing Day Activities – International Conference for Caregivers, Children & Professionals | VConnect Foundation | India |
World Hearing Day activities 3/3/20222 | Ministry of healthMinistry of health – disability programs section – Eye and Ear health care program | Oman |
World hearing day activities Report | Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing | India |
World Hearing Day activities- 2022 | Dr.S.R.Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing | India |
World Hearing Day Awareness & Hearing Test | School of Pharmacy, RK University | Website, Publication, International society member effort, Grant program India |
World Hearing Day Bengkulu Indonesia | Komda PGPKT Bengkulu | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day Digital Toolkit | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | United States of America |
World Hearing Day event | Xuzhou Society of Audiology | China |
World hearing day event | Tanzania ENT societyWorld hearing week 2022 | United Republic of Tanzania |
World Hearing Day Event for Malawi -2022 | QECH Audiology clinic | Malawi |
World hearing day event organized by GoHearing | GoHearing | |
World Hearing Day in Aceh, Indonesia | KOMDA PGPKT Aceh | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day in AUSTRALIA | Deafness Forum of Australia | Australia |
World Hearing Day in Surabaya, Indonesia (Clean the ears of Down Syndrome patients) | ORL-HNS Community Department Airlangga UniversityORL-HNS Community Department Airlangga University Surabaya | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day Indonesia 2022 | | Indonesia |
World Hearing Day St. Lucia | Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly AffairsNo | Saint Lucia |
World Hearing Day St. Lucia | Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly AffairsNo | Saint Lucia |
World Hearing Day Webinar | Pan American Health Organization | Bahamas |
World Hearing Day-2022 | MGL-ENT-General specialist | Website, Publication, International society member effort, Grant program Mongolia |
World Hearing Day, ENT Nurses, Ghana | ENT Nurse’s Group, Ghana | Ghana |
World Hearing Day, Hearing New Zealand Week, and the Year of the Ear | Hearing New Zealand (Hearing Association New Zealand) | New Zealand |
World Hearing Day, Leiden European City of Science 2022 | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands |
World Hearing Day; Day of the Ear, Leiden European City of Science 2022 | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands |
WORLD HEARING DAY. Sordità: ascoltiamo anche le emozioni | ORDINE DEGLI PSICOLOGI DELLA CAMPANIA | Italy |
World Hearing Day(WHD) | TUMS | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
World Hearing Week celebration ( From 27 Feb to 6 th March ) | Satkriti Hospitals Private Limited | India |
Zanzibar Outreach Program Hearing Protection Week | Zanzibar Outreach Program | United Republic of Tanzania |
ទិវានៃការស្ដាប់របស់ពិភពលោក ២០២២ | Hearing Care Centre Cambodia | Cambodia |
关爱听力健康,聆听精彩未来 Care for hearing health and listen to the wonderful future | Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical SchoolAudiology academy of Jiangsu Medical Association and Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School | Southeast Asia – throughout the region |
听见世界的美好 Hear the beauty of the world | 听觉有道全国听力连锁 | China |
听见世界的美好 Hear the beauty of the world | 听觉有道全国听力连锁 | China |
第二十三次全国“爱耳日”活动简报 | Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University重庆医科大学附属儿童医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科 | Website, Publication, International society member effort, Grant program China |
谨慎用耳,耳聪一生 | HEACAD hearing | Website, Publication China |